Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Whimsome Ramblings....

Baby Joys…

I love that sweet, sweet smile the first thing in the morning when the baby wakes up. He rarely wakes up crying in the morning. After the smile and about 5 minutes, if his breakfast bottle is not ready, THEN, I get the cry. What an angel. I can almost be sure that when the baby wakes, He will be smiling up at his momma.

Teenager Joys…

A lot of times, my teenager daughter suffers with insomnia. She sometimes takes a non addicting/non habit forming sleeping pill. Once in a while, I will wake up in the middle of the night and find that she is still awake unable to sleep. Some times these are the best shared moments together. I will lay with her and we talk. It can be silly things or serious. Last night was one such night. We were reliving some of the cartoons and shows she watched as a little girl. We giggled and laughed as we talked about the funny parts of them. It was great.

Husband Joys…

My husband and I rarely have a chance to just sit and talk for long conversations due to many uncompleted tasks that need attending to. Early mornings or late nights can be very special. This is when we are able to sit and chat before he leaves for work or doze off to sleep. I enjoy these special times of sharing.

Tomorrow we will celebrate, 15 years of marriage together. This is so dear to my heart.

Credit card whoas…

Sooo. You go on line and realize that your card has been charged by a company that you didn’t place an order to. WHAT TO DO!? Well, the obvious thing to do is contact the company to inform them that you hadn’t purchased anything from them. You get to their website and find the CONTACT US information or the CUSTOMER SUPPORT information…which these two things take you to the same page. It is an email messaging system. No phone numbers, no addresses, just a messaging system. I have left 2 messages and no return email. I even left my day number and evening number, no phone call. How frustrating. Now, you have to wait till your statement posts to dispute. What a headache.

Weekend look forwards…

About the middle of the week, Wednesday, hump day, lets get past it so that I can look forward to the weekend. WE ALL DO IT…smile. Happy looking forward!

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