Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Butt Splash...

My infant son who is 5 1/2 months old loves his bath time. He has since birth. Every day we have a routine. We get up get ready for daycare. I go to work. Pick him up after, feed him and about 30 minutes later, he has a bath. If we forget or try and skip the bath, he cries. Now that he is 5 1/2 months old, he thouroughly enjoys playing in the water. His newest thing is to lift his butt up and then let it fall HEAVY into the water causing a tidal wave of water on all sides to flow out of his baby tub. Needless to say!!! Both of us, the table and the floor have shared the bath together!

1 comment:

Scoop said...

You need to post a picture of this! :)