Monday, August 18, 2008

Faith...and a rocking chair...

Faith...and a rocking chair...

Tonight, I went to Chase's room to put him to sleep. I turned on a lullaby cd, sat down in the rocking chair and started to gently rock. As I sat there, I was taken back to how I was promised the rocking chair.

My mother in law and father in law had opened a little resale shop in Valley Mills. One day Chad and I went for a visit. We stood around talking at the little shop and I thought I would find some place to sit. There wasn't a lot of chairs so I sat in a rocking chair that they had for sale. It was really nice and cussioned.

For so long, Chad and I had tried to get pregnant and was not able. In my mind, I figured that it was just going to be that way even though I longed to have another baby. I prayed and wavered and prayed and wavered.

I commented on how nice the rocking chair glided. It was a glider chair. Then and idea came to me, I told my mother in law that if I was to get pregnant, I would want to have that rocking chair and she said OK, it was a deal. Well, as it turned out, the structure of the building in which my inlaws had their shop was weak. One day the store to the left of them caved and threatened my in laws store to cave. They had to move out. I figured everything would have to be sold but didn't think to much about the rocker chair after that.

When Chad and I found out we were expecting a baby, I was beyond excited. So was he. We both let our parents know. Chad had driven down to Valley Mills to visit his folks one day and found out that his mom and dad had sold their house and were moving to Arkansas. Chad came home and told me and asked about a rocking chair his mother had been keeping for me. I was really surprised. I figured that since the store collapsed that it must have been sold and didn't think anything about it. To say the least that was a special moment for me. I can't say how precious this memory is to me and will always be. We spoke a little thing in faith and even when I forgot or wavered, God didn't. What a precious thing my MIL did for me.


Scoop said...

That is a great story! God is faithful, even if our faith is tiny sometimes.

Connie Marie said...

I'm glad your MIL saved the chair for you and Chase!