Friday, December 19, 2008


Chase is now 10 months old and is starting to eat more from the table food than jar food. One evening Chad and I had grilled pork chops, macaroni and green beans for dinner. We decided to give Chase some. He loved the pork chop, macaroni and greenbeans very much. During the feeding, he somehow managed to get a peice of macaroni stuck to his finger. Concentrating very hard, he pulled it off with the other hand only to realize it was now stuck to that hand. Again, he removed it with the other hand. You can see whats coming. For about 5 minutes, back and forth, back and forth, Chase concentrated so hard on removing the macaroni from his little hands. He finally ended up squashing it down to goo and had to have it wiped off. Chad and I were laughing so hard at him. It was a joy to watch!!!


Connie Marie said...

Awwww! Fun baby times.
He must be a patient guy!

Scoop said...

They do so many hilarious things when they're little, don't they? How funny.