Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Bargain toys...

I meant to write about this awhile back and forgot. When Chase was about 6 months old and starting to sit up by himself, He hardly had any toys. One morning I made it my mission to go garage saling for toys. To my surprise, I found a fantastic garage sale...a ONE stop shop for all the baby toys I could want! I ended spending about $10 bucks in toys. I had a couple of bag fulls of toys. They were not just dinky toys but GOOD solid quality toys. They were clean and looked like new! I paid .25 to $1.00 for each item. Well, time passed a bit and right before Christmas, you receive those toy catelogs,advertisements, plus I get an online catelog from ABC Dist in the mail. To my surprise, I found several of the toys I purchased from the garge sale in the Walmart advertisement and ABC Dist catelog. They ranged from $10 to near $20 dollars. I was so proud of myself!!! I love garage sales. I don't know that I am a thrifty buyer really but on this occassion it worked out perfectly. Now, when Chase outgrows the toys, I can turn around and have a garage sale and help someone else out too!


The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

I see so many fabulous, new or nearly new toys and clothes for kids at garage sales all the time. It's way more fun to shop on people's driveways than in a store, as well as the great prices!

Scoop said...

That's great! I miss going to garage sales. I do get to go to moving sales occasionally, when people move out of the compound. They are so much fun!