Thursday, January 29, 2009

...Ducks Ducks and more ducks

I have passed by the lake almost every day, twice on my way to and from work for about 8 years! I look at the water and in passing and to me, it seems peaceful. I long to stop my car and take pictures. The two places on the lake in passing are to dangerous to stop to do that. Yesterday, on the way home, I looked across the lake as usual. I never noticed before, but there were HUNDREDS of black specks in the far middle of the lake. Then I realized they were ducks...LOTS OF DUCKS...
I wished at that moment to have been in a row boat with my camera. It was so neat to see them. In all the 8 years I have passed the lake, I have never noticed the ducks in winter time! I thank God for the opportunity to see them!

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