Saturday, March 6, 2010


My mom seems to be turning worse. She seems more and more so child like. She blurted out during dinner one night to me that she feels lost in her own home. She said "Sometimes I am at home and I feel like I don't know where I am and I am just there, It scares me and it is weird, so I talk to my puppies". She doesn't remember how to get to simple places that she has been a hundred times. She seems to be losing understanding in simple questions, comments, instructions and statements. She seemed to be doing well on her vitamin suppliment but it seems to be fading in progress. I talked to my dad about what we need to do next. He and she have both been turned down for disabilities for army and social security. She has also been turned down for Medicaid. We are trying both avenues AGAIN. We are not going to give up. I am going to have to take her again to the doctor. The doctor I take her to is SO THOROUGH and I don't want to take her elsewhere but I may have to due to the prices and my mom not having insurance. I need guidance at this point in Wisdom in choosing the right doctor. Someone even said that if we could not afford medication, that we could call some manufacturerers of meds and they may be willing to send a few months free. It is worth a try. I will start my doctor search this week.

1 comment:

Scoop said...

That is such a challenge for you, Sandi. I will pray for you to have wisdom in this situation.