Saturday, January 23, 2010

filing income tax

Agggg...the task of filing income tax can be a happy event or a disappointing event. To say the least, today was very frustrating. Chad decided to do our income tax on line through Turbo Tax. The result was disappointing compared to last year. Last year was a GET UP AND SHOUT kind of year! This year was a OMGoodness...your kidding right?! I have to say the difference was MAJOR. It isn't that we filed differently or changed anything, the difference came with changes in the rules and laws. We decided to go to a tax place to verify that we truly did not mess up in filing. Sure enough...we hadn't. HOWEVER, one new law allowed us to add in an itemization which allowed a tiny bit more to the already LOW amount. I am grateful at all that we are getting something back. This will help in bills of course. Chad already has planned on what bills it goes to. Needless to say, we didn't file with the tax place due to their OUTRAGES FEES...we came home, and completed the Tax Turbo filing since it matched with the tax peoples total. Another year DONE! No Worries!

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