Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Leap of Faith...

Leap of Faith… At church one Sunday morning, they played a small clip from the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It showed Indiana Jones standing on the edge of a cliff. He needed to get across a great divide to the other side and retrieve an antidote for a friend who was on the same side as he. The span was so wide that he knew trying to jump to the other side was impossible. He stated “A leap of faith”. He then proceeded to put forth his foot and walk out. Immediately a rock bridge formed beneath his foot and spanned to the other side. He was able to retrieve the antidote he needed. I sat and thought about the clip viewed that Sunday. So many times, I find myself trying to hold on by my own strength refusing God the control that He has to make all things right by faith. What is it in me that make me feel the need to be in control? What part of the hidden little seed of doubt in my hearts makes me seek control? Do I feel that unless I control the situation that God won’t come through for me? I have to be honest with myself in asking these questions. My prayer for me is that I will have the faith spoke of in Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Like Indiana Jones, He took a leap of FAITH and not a leap in the PHYSICAL. My prayer is that I can walk by faith and not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7). I know that I have to trust God more and lean not unto my own understanding else I fall and fall hard. Journeying through life can be sometimes difficult and challenging but I know that God is in control when I surrender my weak control to Him and start walking by faith and not by sight. This is hard and scary when we are use to surrendering to our own flesh wants. God help me not to doubt but to have faith to trust you with my whole life and my families.

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