Wednesday, August 6, 2008

School Starting...

School starting…

Well, school will be starting soon. It is nice but sad too. My daughter is growing up so quickly. She asked me the other day, “Mom, Can you believe that I am going to be in eleventh grade”? I told her that I could believe it. She said, “I am scared”. I asked her why and she proceeded to tell me that she knew it was one more step closer to becoming an adult. I know that when I was a teen, I thought how wonderful it would be to become an adult. Then, I did become one and how I longed to be a teenager again. I didn’t count the cost of losing my childhood and all that was familiar. But as time goes, you adjust and realize the new found freedoms of being an adult. You also learn new rules of living. You still have the boundaries just rearranged in a different atmosphere.
I know that it will take her time to really adjust. She does have a bit of trouble dealing with change. With some encouragement and maturity, I am sure she will do just fine as an adult. I will continue to pray for her, in that she will make wise choices, find Godly friends and a Godly Husband. I have prayed this since she was born.
For now, I look forward to the last 2 years of school for her. I want to savor every moment that I have with her. She is such a joy and a blessing in my life.

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